📓NOTES 4.2: Variables & Functions

Table of Contents

Variables & Data Types

Most of the time, a JavaScript application needs to work with data (information). Here are two examples:

  1. An online shop - the information might include goods being sold and a shopping cart.
  2. A chat application - the information might include users, messages, and much more.

In programming languages, a variable is a “named storage container” for data. Variables are used to store information.

  • DATA is information 🧠
  • VARIABLES store data → like a box 📦
  • IDENTIFIERS are the names we give variables → like a label on the box 🏷️
  • DATA TYPES are the categories of information → like the size/shape of the box


Number 🔢 a quantity/amount that is either a whole/integer number or a decimal/fractional number
String 🔤 a collection of individual characters (letters/numbers/symbols) that are “strung together” to form text/words/sentences
Boolean either true or false
Array a list of multiple values, each value has an index number that indicates its position/order in the collection
Object custom data types that hold a group of data, usually to represent a real-world object or an HTML document

Declaring Variables

To create (declare) a variable in JavaScript, use the let keyword.

The statement below DECLARES a new variable with the name “message”:

let message;

Now, store some data in it using the ASSIGNMENT OPERATOR =:

message = 'Hello';

⭐️ DECLARATION + ASSIGNMENT can be combined into one statement:

let message = 'Hello';

📦 We can visualize the concept of a variable if we imagine it as a “box” for data, with a uniquely-named “label” stuck on it for easy retrieval.

For instance, the variable message can be imagined as a box labelled "message" with the value "Hello!" packed in it:


A new variable can be DECLARED only once! A repeated declaration of the same variable triggers an error:

let word = "This";

// Repeated 'let' declaration leads to error!!!
let word = "That"; // SyntaxError

So, we should declare a variable once, and then afterwards, only refer to it without the let keyword.

Working with Variables

After declaring a variable, the value is now saved into the memory area associated with the variable. So from now on, we can ACCESS that value using the variable name:

console.log(message); // shows the variable content

We can also CHANGE the value of a variable as many times as we want:

let status = "Crashed Out";
status = "Locked In"; // value changed

Whenever a value is modified, the old data is removed from the variable:


We can also declare two variables and COPY DATA from one into the other:

let lunch = "Pizza";
let dinner;

// Copy the string from hello into message
dinner = lunch;

// Now both variables hold the same data

In older scripts, you may also find another keyword for declaring variables: var message = 'Hello'; The var keyword is almost the same as let. It also declares a variable but in a slightly different, “old-school” way.

There are subtle differences between let and var, but they do not matter to us yet.

Truck Ramp analogy for the Assignment Operator

VARIABLES are containers for carrying values within your script, and the assignment operator, or = sign, is NOT an “equals sign” like in math equations → it’s more like a ramp that loads up a value.

Using the truck ramp analogy, DECLARING a variable works like this:


  • The statement above creates a new truck called days that can “drive” around your script and “deliver” its value OR even pick up a new value. Breaking down the statement:
    • let announces that you are creating a new variable (“buying a new truck”).
    • The variable needs a unique name, which is days here. This distinguishes this truck from all the other trucks.
    • The assignment operator, or = sign, “loads” the value 7, into the days truck
  • The variable days is not “equal” to anything! It merely carries around the value that you assign to it.
  • In JS, unlike math, you can simply RE-ASSIGN a new value to the variable later. For example:
    • days = 5; → the assignment operator loads a new value on to the days truck

Using the truck ramp analogy, passing a variable into FUNCTIONS works like this:


Complete the Variables section (steps 1-6) in the following interactive tutorial: 🏗️ JS Construction Site

Arithmetic Operators

The following math operations are supported:

  • Addition +,
  • Subtraction -,
  • Multiplication *,
  • Division /,
  • Remainder %,
  • Exponentiation **.

The first four are straightforward, while % and ** need a few words about them.

Remainder %

The remainder operator %, despite its appearance, is not related to percents.

The result of a % b is the remainder of the integer division of a by b.

console.log( 5 % 2 ); // 1, the remainder of 5 divided by 2
console.log( 8 % 3 ); // 2, the remainder of 8 divided by 3
console.log( 8 % 4 ); // 0, the remainder of 8 divided by 4

Exponentiation **

The exponentiation operator a ** b raises a to the power of b.

In school math, we write that as: ab.

console.log( 2 ** 2 ); // 2² = 4
console.log( 2 ** 3 ); // 2³ = 8
console.log( 2 ** 4 ); // 2⁴ = 16

Just like in math, the exponentiation operator is defined for non-integer numbers as well.

For example, a square root is an exponentiation by ½:

console.log( 4 ** (1/2) ); // 2 (power of 1/2 is the same as a square root)
console.log( 8 ** (1/3) ); // 2 (power of 1/3 is the same as a cubic root)

String Concatenation

Let’s meet the features of JavaScript operators that are beyond school arithmetics.

Usually, the plus operator + sums numbers. But, if the binary + is applied to strings, it concatenates (merges) them:

let s = "my" + "string";

Note that if any of the operands is a string, then the other one is converted to a string too. For example:

console.log( '1' + 2 ); // "12"
console.log( 2 + '1' ); // "21"

See, it doesn’t matter whether the first operand is a string or the second one.

Here’s a more complex example:

console.log(2 + 2 + '1' ); // "41" and not "221"

Here, operators work one after another. The first + sums two numbers, so it returns 4, then the next + adds the string 1 to it, so it’s like 4 + '1' = '41'.


Increasing or decreasing a number by one is among the most common numerical operations.

So, there are special operators for it:

  • Increment ++ increases a variable by 1:

      let counter = 2;
      counter++; // works the same as counter = counter + 1, but is shorter
      console.log( counter ); 
  • Decrement -- decreases a variable by 1:

      let counter = 2;
      counter--; // works the same as counter = counter - 1, but is shorter
      console.log( counter );

Increment/decrement operators can only be applied to variables. Trying to use it on a value, like 5++, will give an error.


Quite often we need to perform a similar action or process in multiple places of the script.

For example, we need to show a nice-looking message when a visitor logs in, logs out and maybe somewhere else. Or for a game, a random number needs to be generated over and over again for loot picks.

Functions are the main “building blocks” of a program – they allow blocks of code to be called many times without too much repetition.

A reusable set of code statements that accomplish a specific task in a certain way.

📝 console.log is a built-in function that displays data by logging information in the console. Here’s an example of using (calling) that function in a statement:

console.log("Hello World!");
  • Inside the parenthesis () goes the data to be displayed. Options:
    • 💬 Indicate String data by surrounding the text with quotations ("")
    • Number or Boolean type data can be entered directly (3.14, 7, true)
    • Can also “pass inexpressions or variables

Declaring Functions

To create a function we can use a function declaration.

It looks like this:

function showMessage() {
  console.log('Hello everyone!');

When DECLARING a function:

  1. The function keyword goes first
  2. Then put the name of the function
  3. Then a possible list of parameters between the parentheses (comma-separated, empty in the example above)
  4. Finally the code of the function (called the “function body”) goes between curly braces.
function name(parameter1, parameter2, ... parameterN) {
    // body

As seen above with the console.log(); example, a function can be CALLED (activated/run) by its name.

The call showMessage(); executes the code inside the showMessage function. We can call this as many times as we want!

If we ever need to change the message or the way it is shown, it’s enough to modify the code in one place: the function which handles it.

Function Naming

Functions are actions. So their name is usually a verb. It should be brief, as accurate as possible and describe what the function does, so that someone reading the code gets an indication of what the function does.

  • A name should clearly describe what the function does. When we see a function call in the code, a good name instantly gives us an understanding what it does and returns.
  • There exist many well-known function prefixes like create…, show…, get…, check… and so on. Use them to hint what a function does.

Parameters (Input)

We can pass arbitrary data to functions using parameters.

In the example below, the function has two parameters: from and text:

function showMessage(from, text) { 
  console.log(from + ': ' + text);

showMessage('Ann', 'Hello!');
showMessage('Ann', "What's up?");

When the function is called, the given values are copied to local variables from and text. Then the function uses them.

When a value is passed as a function parameter, it’s also called an argument. In other words, to put these terms straight:

The variable listed inside the parentheses in the function declaration (it's a declaration-time term).
The value that is passed to the function when it is called (it's a call-time term).

We declare functions listing their parameters, then call them passing arguments.

In the example above, one might say: “the function showMessage is declared with two parameters, then called with two arguments: from and "Hello"”.

Return (Output)

A function can return (“output”) a value back into the calling code as the result.

The simplest example would be a function that sums two values:

function sum(a, b) {
  return a + b;

let result = sum(1, 2);
console.log( result );

The directive return can be in any part of the function, but typically at the end. When the execution reaches it, the function stops, and the value is returned as a new piece of data to the calling code (assigned to result above).

🚫 Never add a new line between return and the value!!! For a long expression in return, it might be tempting to put it on a separate line, but it doesn’t work.


Functions can be visualized as recipes for different actions/processes in your script.

Let’s think about the general concept of cooking with a recipe first. Using a recipe means that:

  1. You start with a specific set of ingredients
  2. You perform a specific procedure using those ingredients
  3. You will get a reliable product at the end

A FUNCTION can be considered a reusable recipe that reliably performs the same set of actions, over and over again, on a set of ingredients. Those ingredients are the PARAMETERS.

  • Some functions RETURN a value, which means that they give you a new value that you can then use throughout your script:


  • Other functions do not return a value and are missing a return directive in the function body. Instead, the process might just change a value that already exists in your script or carry out an action, like console.log().
    • Think of this like chopping onions. There is no “new” product, just the same product in a different format.
    • Boiling water to make pasta is another example of a function that just “does/changes something” but doesn’t necessarily give you something new in return:


  • Check out the example below to review the general layout of a function. In this example, we are DEFINING a function (“documenting the recipe”) called makeSandwich:



  • Does this recipe’s process produce something new?
  • Why is a recipe useful in real life? Why is this useful in code?

For a more in-depth description of the recipe analogy above, check out this blog post: JavaScript Functions Explained by Making a Recipe

Complete the Functions section (steps 16-20) in the following interactive tutorial: 🏗️ JS Construction Site


Content on this page is adapted from the MDN Web Docs, The Modern JavaScript Tutorial, and CodeAnalogies Blog.