🔣 Keyboard Symbols

⌨️ Keyboard Symbols on the Top Row

From left to right:

Symbol Common Name in CS Other Names
~ Tilde  
` Backtick Back quote
! Exclamation mark Exclamation point
@ At sign At, at symbol
# Hashtag Number sign, pound sign, or octothorpe
$ Dollar  
% Percent  
^ Caret  
& Ampersand “And” symbol
* Asterisk Star
( Open parenthesis Left parenthesis
) Close parenthesis Right parenthesis
( ) Parentheses Round brackets
_ Underscore  
Minus Hyphen, dash, minus sign
+ Plus Plus sign
= Assignment operator Equal, assignment

⌨️ Keyboard Symbols on the Right Side of the Keyboard

From top to bottom:

Symbol Common Name in CS Other Names
{ Open Brace Open Curly Bracket
} Close Brace Close Curly Bracket
{ } Curly Brackets Braces
[ Open Square Bracket  
] Close Square Bracket  
[ ] Square Brackets Brackets
| Bar Vertical pipe
\ Back Slash Backward slash
: Colon  
; Semicolon  
" Double quotes Quotation mark
"" Double Quotation Marks  
' Single quote Apostrophe, prime
'' Single Quotation Marks  
, Comma  
< Less Than Left angle bracket
> Greater Than Right angle bracket
. Period Decimal, dot, full stop
/ Slash (Forward Slash) Forward slash, fraction slash
? Question Mark  

💻 Other Symbols

Symbol Common Name in CS Other Names
... Ellipsis “dot dot dot”
>>> a Python prompt (triple) angled brackets, chevron
“not equal” sign, inequality written as != in Python  
“approximately” symbol  

Whenever are talking about indentation, we are referring to the offset that is created using either the Tab key (on the right side of the keyboard) or to the sequence of spaces created using the spacebar.


Content on this page is adapted from Yekaterina Kharitonova with reference to 1 and 2.