πŸ’» PROJECT #3.2: C.R.U.D. Web App

Overview & Setup

This project will help you practice full-stack development using Flask and SQLAlchemy, while allowing you to explore a topic that interests you. Choose a theme, be creative, and have fun! πŸš€

  1. Go to the CS3 Project 3.2 assignment on Blackbaud and follow the provided GitHub Classroom link.

    πŸ“ Clicking the link generates a private repository for your project with the appropriate starter code. Note that projects are stored within the BWL-CS Organization, so you cannot access it from the β€œYour Repositories” page!

  2. Open the repository in a Codespace whenever you spend time working on the program, in class or at home.

    ⚠️ Always remember to commit changes after every coding session!

  3. When your project is complete, submit the link to your repository in the CS3 Project 3.2 assignment on Blackbaud.

Project Instructions

1. Choose a Theme

Pick a theme for your app that excites you! Your app should store, display, and modify data from an SQLite database. Examples:

  • Task Manager: A to-do list app where users can add, edit, and delete tasks.
  • Student Directory: A portal for managing student records (names, grades, subjects).
  • Library System: A database of books with borrowing and returning functionality.
  • Movie Collection: A catalog where users can add, rate, and review movies.
  • Recipe Manager: A site where users can create, update, and delete recipes.
  • Fantasy World Explorer: A site where users create and manage characters, locations, or quests.

2. Set Up Your Flask App

  • App Structure: Organize your app into the following folders and files:
      β”œβ”€β”€ static/
      β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ style.css
      β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ script.js
      β”‚   └── (images, additional assets)
      β”œβ”€β”€ templates/
      β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ layout.html
      β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ (your HTML pages)
      β”œβ”€β”€ app.py
  • Install Dependencies:
     pip install flask flask-sqlalchemy

3. Database Setup

  • Define a database model in app.py using Flask-SQLAlchemy.
  • Include at least three fields (e.g., id, name, date_created).
  • Example:
     from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
     from datetime import datetime, timezone
     db = SQLAlchemy()
     class Task(db.Model):
         id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
         content = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False)
         date_created = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow)

4. Implement CRUD Operations

Your app must support the Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations. Below are the required features:

CREATE (Add Data)
  • Use an HTML <form> to submit data.
  • Store the data in an SQLite database.
  • Example:
     @app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
     def add_task():
         task_content = request.form['content']
         new_task = Task(content=task_content)
READ (View Data)
  • Fetch records from the database and display them using a Jinja template.
  • Example:
     def index():
         tasks = Task.query.order_by(Task.date_created).all()
         return render_template('index.html', tasks=tasks)
UPDATE (Modify Data)
  • Provide an option to edit existing records.
  • Example:
     @app.route('/update/<int:id>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
     def update(id):
         task = Task.query.get_or_404(id)
         if request.method == 'POST':
             task.content = request.form['content']
             return redirect('/')
         return render_template('update.html', task=task)
DELETE (Remove Data)
  • Implement a delete button to remove entries.
  • Example:
     def delete(id):
         task_to_delete = Task.query.get_or_404(id)
         return redirect('/')

5. Create HTML Templates

  • Use Jinja to dynamically display data.
  • Extend a base template (layout.html) for consistent navigation.
  • Example: index.html
    {% extends "layout.html" %}
    {% block content %}
    <h2>Task List</h2>
        {% for task in tasks %}
        <li>{{ task.content }} - <a href="/update/{{task.id}}">Edit</a> | <a href="/delete/{{task.id}}">Delete</a></li>
        {% endfor %}
    <form action="/" method="POST">
        <input type="text" name="content" required>
        <button type="submit">Add Task</button>
    {% endblock %}

6. Style Your App

  • CSS: Create a static/style.css file for styling.
  • Bootstrap (Optional): Use Bootstrap for a responsive UI.
  • Images/Icons: Store visuals in the static folder.

7. Serve Your App

Run your Flask app:

  python app.py

If using Flask’s built-in development server:

  if __name__ == "__main__":
      with app.app_context():

Minimum Requirements

  • At least three HTML pages extending a base template.
  • A Flask-SQLAlchemy database with at least one model.
  • CRUD functionality (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
  • A form to add records.
  • A delete button to remove records.
  • Styling using CSS or Bootstrap.
  • At least one image in the static folder.
  • Use of template inheritance and Jinja control structures.

Bonus Challenges

  • 🎯 Add user authentication (login/logout).
  • 🎯 Use JavaScript for live updates or form validation.
  • 🎯 Add a REST API endpoint returning JSON data.
  • 🎯 Use Flask’s flash messages for user feedback.