💻 PROJECT #2.1: Pandas Movie Data

Overview & Setup

Data scientists have to deal with a lot of data at once. While Google Sheets and Excel are great ways to visualize and manipulate data, they are not as versatile as we might want. In this project, you will practice using data frames and learn to use them to obtain information from data.

  1. Go to the CS3 Project 2.1 assignment on Blackbaud and follow the provided GitHub Classroom link.

    📁 Clicking the link generates a private repository for your project with the appropriate starter code. Note that projects are stored within the BWL-CS Organization, so you cannot access it from the “Your Repositories” page!

  2. Open the repository in a Codespace whenever you spend time working on the program, in class or at home.

    ⚠️ Always remember to commit changes after every coding session!

  3. When your project is complete, submit the link to your repository in the CS3 Project 2.1 assignment on Blackbaud.


PART A: Exploring the Data

We’re going to be using a dataset about movies to try out processing some data with the Pandas library. A Python Library is a collection of related modules. It contains bundles of code that can be used repeatedly in different programs.

  1. We start with some standard imports:
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
  2. Download the movies_metadata.csv file from Kaggle and upload it to your repository.
  3. Load the data from a local file using pandas:
    df = pd.read_csv('movies_metadata.csv').dropna(axis=1, how='all')
  4. Let’s see how much data we have:
  5. Twenty-three columns of data for over 45,000 movies is going be a lot to look at, but let’s start by looking at what the columns represent:

  • belongs_to_collection: A stringified dictionary that identifies the collection that a movie belongs to (if any).
  • budget: The budget of the movie in dollars.
  • genres: A stringified list of dictionaries that list out all the genres associated with the movie.
  • homepage: The Official Homepage of the movie.
  • id: An arbitrary ID for the movie.
  • imdb_id: The IMDB ID of the movie.
  • original_language: The language in which the movie was filmed.
  • original_title: The title of the movie in its original language.
  • overview: A blurb of the movie.
  • popularity: The Popularity Score assigned by TMDB.
  • poster_path: The URL of the poster image (relative to http://image.TMDB.org/t/p/w185/).
  • production_companies: A stringified list of production companies involved with the making of the movie.
  • production_countries: A stringified list of countries where the movie was filmed or produced.
  • release_date: Theatrical release date of the movie.
  • revenue: World-wide revenue of the movie in dollars.
  • runtime: Duration of the movie in minutes.
  • spoken_languages: A stringified list of spoken languages in the film.
  • status: Released, To Be Released, Announced, etc.
  • tagline: The tagline of the movie.
  • title: The official title of the movie.
  • video: Indicates if there is a video present of the movie with TMDB.
  • vote_average: The average rating of the movie on TMDB.
  • vote_count: The number of votes by users, as counted by TMDB.

PART B: Filtering the Data

Let’s start by only looking at films that cost over a million dollars to make.

Create a variable called budget_df that pulls the entire row (contains all columns) for any movies whose value in the 'budget' column was over a million dollars.

# Fill in brackets with a CONDITIONAL
budget_df = df[] 

💬: How many movies have a budget over 1 million dollars?

With this more manageable list of 7000+ movies, I’d like to have a way to look up the budget of a particular movie.

Create a Series object called budget_lookup such that you are able to use a call to budget_lookup['Movie Title'] to find the budget of that movie.

# Fill in the parameters for (values, index)
budget_lookup = pd.Series()

Print out the first five rows of the budget_lookup Series.

💬: What was the budget for Jumanji?

Let’s say I have figured out that the first (alphabetically) movie whose title starts with an “A” is “A Bag of Hammers” and the last movie that starts with a “B” is “Byzantium”.

# Get FIRST movie whose title starts with A
# Get LAST movie whos title starts with B

Use that knowledge to create a Series that contains budget data for all the movies that start with an “A” or a “B”.

Hint: No need to use startswith like I did above, just use the two movie titles I found and compare budget_lookup.index to them.

# First define the condition to be checked
condition = 

# Pull rows conditionally
budget_lookup_A_B = budget_lookup[condition]

💬: How many movies with a budget of over a million dollars AND whose title starts with an “A” or a “B” are there?

PART C: Numbers as Indices

Enough about movie budgets, it’s time to budget my time instead. Because I schedule my day to the minute, I like to be able to look up movies by their runtime, so that when I have a spare two hours and 34 minutes, I can find all the movies that would fit precisely in that time slot. (Popcorn-making time is budgeted separately).

Before you start, here is a refresher on the index operator in Pandas:

Selecting Columns of a DataFrame

  • df[<string>] gets me a column and returns the Series corresponding to that column.
  • df[<list of strings>] gets me a bunch of columns and returns a DataFrame.

Selecting Rows of a DataFrame

  • df[<series/list of Boolean>] gets me the rows for each element in the list like thing you passed me that is True. However, I think this is confusing and whenever you want to select some rows of a DataFrame you should use df.loc[].
  • df.loc[<series/list of Boolean>] behaves just like df[<series/list of Boolean>].
  • df.loc[<string>] uses the non-numeric row index and returns the row(s) for that index value.
  • df.loc[<string1>:<string2>] uses the non-numeric index and returns a data frame composed of the rows starting with string1 and ending with each string2.
  • df.loc[<list/Series of strings>] returns a data frame composed of each row from df with an index value that matches a string in the list.

If you use an integer in any of the last four examples, it works just like the string, but the index values are numeric instead. What is important (and confusing) about this is that they use the index, not the position. So, if you create a data frame with 4 rows of some data, it will have an index that is created by default where the first row starts with 0, the next row is 1 and so on. However, if you sort the data frame such that the last row becomes the first and the first row becomes the last, using df.loc[0] on the sorted data frame will return the last row.

If you want to be strictly positional, you should use df.iloc[0], which will return the first row regardless of the index value. df.iloc[0:5] is the same as doing df.head(), and df.iloc[[1, 3, 5, 7]] will return four rows: the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th.

df = pd.DataFrame({'a':list("pythonrocks"), 'b':[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]})
df = df.set_index('a')

OK, but what if we do this:


Pandas raises an error because there are two ‘o’s in the index. It doesn’t know which one you mean, first? last? If you argue it should use the last then consider the performance implications if this was a really large index? In that case it would be very time consuming to search the index for the last occurance.

On the other hand, if we sort the index then the last instance can be found quite quickly, and with a sorted index loc will work for this example.

df = df.sort_index()
  1. Create a Series called movies_by_runtime that is indexed by runtime and has the movie’s title as its values. Note that you will need to use sort_index() in order to be able to look up movies by their duration. Base yourself on the original df rather than budget_df.

  2. While you’re at it, filter to excluse any movie that is less than 10 minutes (you can’t get into it if it’s too short) or longer than 3 hours (who’s got time for that?).

Hint: You may MAY to use pd.to_numeric to force the runtimes to be numbers (instead of strings).

Here is a simpler example that shows the movies that are exactly 7 minutes long:

movies_by_runtime = pd.Series(df['title'].values, index=df['runtime'])
movies_by_runtime = movies_by_runtime.sort_index()

💬: How many movies lasting exactly 154 minutes are there?

💬: What is the 155th shortest movie in this collection? (Make sure you are using iloc and not loc!)

PART D: Dealing with Multiple DataFrames

Forget about budget or runtimes as criteria for selecting a movie, let’s take a look at popular opinion. Our dataset has two relevant columns: vote_average and vote_count.

Let’s create a variable called df_high_rated that only contains movies that have received more than 20 votes, and whose average score is greater than 8.

df_highly_voted = df[df.vote_count > 20]
df_high_rated = df_highly_voted[df_highly_voted.vote_average > 8]
df_high_rated[['title', 'vote_average', 'vote_count']].head()

Here we have some high-quality movies, at least according to some people.

💬: How many highly-rated movies are in this dataset?

But what about my opinion?

Here are my favorite movies and their relative scores. Create a DataFrame called compare_votes that contains the title as an index and both the vote_average and my_vote as its columns. Also, only keep the movies that are both my favorites and popular favorites.

Hint: You’ll need to create two Series, one for my ratings and one that maps titles to vote_average.

my_votes = {
       "Star Wars": 9,
       "Paris is Burning": 8,
       "Dead Poets Society": 7,
       "The Empire Strikes Back": 9.5,
       "The Shining": 8,
       "Return of the Jedi": 8,
       "1941": 8,
       "Forrest Gump": 7.5,

💬: What’s the percentage difference between the popular rating for Star Wars and my vote for it? (Make sure you use the popular rating minus my rating, and convert your answer to a percentage.)

💬: Make up 3 questions you would like to answer about this movie data using the techniques you have learned.


Content on this page is adapted from How to Think Like a Data Scientist on Runestone Academy - Brad Miller, Jacqueline Boggs, and Jan Pearce.